Results for Linguaskill are provided within 48 hours. With a computer-generated Test Report Form, there is no waiting for printed certificates or other documents.
Linguaskill results

Linguaskill results

Linguaskill results
New feature: Institutions who administer Linguaskill now have the option to allow candidates to view their results online. This means that candidates do not need to wait to be sent their Test Report Forms. Institutions have the choice whether or not to make this feature available to candidates.
Checking your results
By registering for the Linguaskill Results Service you will be able to view your results as soon as they become available.
Results for Linguaskill are provided within 48 hours. With a computer-generated Test Report Form, there is no waiting for printed certificates or other documents.
New feature: Institutions who administer Linguaskill now have the option to allow candidates to view their results online. This means that candidates do not need to wait to be sent their Test Report Forms. Institutions have the choice whether or not to make this feature available to candidates.
Checking your results
By registering for the Linguaskill Results Service you will be able to view your results as soon as they become available.
Linguaskill assesses English language ability from below A1 to C1 or above on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Test results also show Cambridge English Scale scores. You’ll see a Cambridge English Scale score and CEFR Level for each skill tested so you can see where test takers have performed well, and where they can improve.
If more than one skill is tested, you’ll see an overall average result.
Along with the candidates’ results, each Test Report Form includes a short description of what a typical candidate can do at the relevant CEFR level.
The Cambridge English Scale is a range of scores used for reporting the results of Cambridge English exams. It allows you to quickly understand what your candidates’ level of English is.
Linguaskill assesses English language ability from below A1 to C1 or above on the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages (CEFR). Test results also show Cambridge English Scale scores. You’ll see a Cambridge English Scale score and CEFR Level for each skill tested so you can see where test takers have performed well, and where they can improve.
If more than one skill is tested, you’ll see an overall average result.
Along with the candidates’ results, each Test Report Form includes a short description of what a typical candidate can do at the relevant CEFR level.
The Cambridge English Scale is a range of scores used for reporting the results of Cambridge English exams. It allows you to quickly understand what your candidates’ level of English is.

The Reading and Listening module is adaptive: questions become easier or more difficult depending on an individual’s previous answer.
As a result, every candidate receives a unique version of the test tailored to their ability level. This means that the test is suitable for all abilities and offers a personalised experience.
The Writing module uses innovative automarker technology. Candidates input answers using a computer keyboard and their answers are automatically marked by the computer.
This video explains how the automarker technology works within the Writing module and how it is as reliable as a human marker.
Linguaskill results are presented in a clear and easy-to-understand Test Report Form.
The form will show you:
- your candidate’s Cambridge English Scale score for each skill tested – this allows you to quickly understand what your candidate’s level of English is
- an overall Cambridge English Scale score, which is an average of the individual scores
- your candidates’ Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) Level for each skill tested which means you can compare Linguaskill results to international standards
- an average Cambridge English Scale score and associated CEFR level, if more than one skill has been taken
- an explanation of what each score means in terms of English language ability – you can see where test takers have performed well, and where they can improve
- whether the candidate took the Business or General test.
It is also possible to produce reports for individuals or groups, depending on your needs. You can produce a breakdown of scores by group and level, allowing easy comparison of ability across your whole organisation.
Download a sample Test Report Form… Download a sample group report…
Have confidence that a Linguaskill Test Report is authentic
Do you need to check that a candidate’s Test Report is authentic? this short video explains how it works.
Linguaskill results are presented in a clear and easy-to-understand Test Report Form.
The form will show you:
- your candidate’s Cambridge English Scale score for each skill tested – this allows you to quickly understand what your candidate’s level of English is
- an overall Cambridge English Scale score, which is an average of the individual scores
- your candidates’ Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) Level for each skill tested which means you can compare Linguaskill results to international standards
- an average Cambridge English Scale score and associated CEFR level, if more than one skill has been taken
- an explanation of what each score means in terms of English language ability – you can see where test takers have performed well, and where they can improve
- whether the candidate took the Business or General test.
It is also possible to produce reports for individuals or groups, depending on your needs. You can produce a breakdown of scores by group and level, allowing easy comparison of ability across your whole organisation.
Score and Level comparison
You can use the table below to ensure that the Cambridge English Scale score you ask for is at the same level as your CEFR requirements.
Have confidence that a Linguaskill Test Report is authentic
Do you need to check that a candidate’s Test Report is authentic? this short video explains how it works.
Linguaskill, the Cambridge Assessment English multi-level test, has the approval of ACLES (Asociación de Centros de Lenguas en la Enseñanza Superior) and CRUE (Conferencia de Rectores de las Universidades Españolas) to accredit levels A1 to C1 or higher of the European Common Framework of Reference.
Linguaskill is also accepted as an official test of English by various official bodies and institutional entities in Spain.
Check the Spanish universities that recognize Linguaskill (Document in Spanish)
Linguaskill Results Service allows an institute or an employer to validate the authenticity of the Linguaskill Test Report Form (TRF). By filling in details from the TRF, you can verify if the TRF report is valid or invalid.
How to access the Linguaskill Results Service
Go to the Linguaskill Results Service portal and click on Verify a result or Sign in. You will then be prompted to register an account or login if you have already registered. Once you have registered you can then login using your email address and password.

Fast results

Results you can trust

In-depth reporting

Linguaskill, the Cambridge Assessment English multi-level test, has the approval of ACLES (Asociación de Centros de Lenguas en la Enseñanza Superior) and CRUE (Conferencia de Rectores de las Universidades Españolas) to accredit levels A1 to C1 or higher of the European Common Framework of Reference.
Linguaskill is also accepted as an official test of English by various official bodies and institutional entities in Spain.
Check the Spanish universities that recognize Linguaskill (Document in Spanish)
Linguaskill Results Service permite a las instituciones o empleadores validar la autenticidad del Informe Linguaskill (Linguaskill Test Report Form, TRF). Cumplimentando la información del TRF, es posible verificar si un informe TRF es válido o inválido.
Cómo acceder al Linguaskill Results Service
Acceder al Linguaskill Results Service y hacer clic en Verify a result o Sign in. Debe registrarse y crear una nueva cuenta o bien conectarse si ya se había registrado previamente. Una vez registrado podrá conectarse usando su dirección de correo electrónico y contraseña.

Resultados rápidos

Resultados fiables

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