Exam preparation
Teaching Knowledge Test
Information for candidates

Background to language teaching
1 hour 20 minutes
This module tests candidates’ knowledge of terms and concepts common in English language teaching. It also focuses on the factors underpinning the learning of English and knowledge of the range and functions of the choices teachers have at their disposal to cater for these learning factors.
TKT: Module 1 has one paper.
It lasts 1 hour 20 minutes and has 80 questions.
The test is divided into three parts:
- Describing language and language skills
(40 questions) - Background to language learning
(15 questions) - Background to language teaching
(25 questions)
Lesson planning and use of resources for language teaching
1 hour 20 minutes
This module focuses on what teachers consider and do while planning their teaching. It also considers the linguistic and methodological reference resources that are available to guide teachers in their lesson planning.
TKT: Module 2 has one paper.
It lasts 1 hour 20 minutes and has 80 questions.
The test is divided into two parts:
- Planning and preparing a lesson or a sequence of lessons
(40 questions) - Selection and use of resources
(40 questions)
Managing the teaching and learning process
1 hour 20 minutes
This module tests teachers’ knowledge of what happens in the classroom in terms of the language used by the teacher or learners, the roles the teacher can fulfil, and the ways in which the teacher can manage and exploit classroom events and interactions.
TKT: Module 3 has one paper.
1 hour 20 minutes and has 80 questions.
The test is divided into two parts:
- Teachers’ and learners’ language in the classroom
(40 questions) - Classroom management
(40 questions)
Content and Language Integrated Learning
1 hour 20 minutes
TKT: CLIL tests knowledge of the aims and rationale of a CLIL approach. It covers the planning, teaching and assessment of CLIL. It also focuses on teachers’ awareness of learning demands and support strategies for learners in CLIL programmes.
TKT: CLIL has one paper.
It lasts 1 hour 20 minutes and has 80 questions.
The test is divided into four parts:
- Knowledge of the principles of CLIL
- Lesson preparation in a CLIL context
- Lesson delivery
- Assessment.
Young Learners – 1 hour 20 minutes
TKT: YL is an exam for teachers and classroom assistants who want to teach English to young learners. It tests knowledge of concepts related to young learner learning and development, and knowledge of young learners from a teaching perspective, including the planning, teaching and assessment of young learners’ work.
TKT: Young Learners has one paper.
It lasts 1 hour 20 minutes and has 80 questions.
The test is divided in four parts:
- Learning and development
- Planning lessons
- Teaching strategies
- Classroom-based assessment

TKT handbooks for teachers
You can download all the TKT handbooks with information on each exam, assessment criteria, sample tests and answer keys.
Sample tests

The TKT glossary is a list of words, concepts and terminology that you’ll need to be familiar with for all TKT modules. There is an extra glossary for the TKT: CLIL test.
Information for candidates

Background to language teaching
1 hour 20 minutes
This module tests candidates’ knowledge of terms and concepts common in English language teaching. It also focuses on the factors underpinning the learning of English and knowledge of the range and functions of the choices teachers have at their disposal to cater for these learning factors.
TKT: Module 1 has one paper.
It lasts 1 hour 20 minutes and has 80 questions.
The test is divided into three parts:
- Bescribing language and language skills
(40 questions) - Background to language learning
(15 questions) - Background to language teaching
(25 questions)
Lesson planning and use of resources for language teaching
1 hour 20 minutes
This module focuses on what teachers consider and do while planning their teaching. It also considers the linguistic and methodological reference resources that are available to guide teachers in their lesson planning.
TKT: Module 2 has one paper.
It lasts 1 hour 20 minutes and has 80 questions.
The test is divided into two parts:
- Planning and preparing a lesson or a sequence of lessons
(40 questions) - Selection and use of resources
(40 questions)
Managing the teaching and learning process
1 hour 20 minutes
This module tests teachers’ knowledge of what happens in the classroom in terms of the language used by the teacher or learners, the roles the teacher can fulfil, and the ways in which the teacher can manage and exploit classroom events and interactions.
TKT: Module 3 has one paper.
1 hour 20 minutes and has 80 questions.
The test is divided into two parts:
- Teachers’ and learners’ language in the classroom
(40 questions) - Classroom management
(40 questions)
Content and Language Integrated Learning
1 hour 20 minutes
TKT: CLIL tests knowledge of the aims and rationale of a CLIL approach. It covers the planning, teaching and assessment of CLIL. It also focuses on teachers’ awareness of learning demands and support strategies for learners in CLIL programmes.
TKT: CLIL has one paper.
It lasts 1 hour 20 minutes and has 80 questions.
The test is divided into four parts:
- Knowledge of the principles of CLIL
- Lesson preparation in a CLIL context
- Lesson delivery
- Assessment.
Young Learners – 1 hora i 20 minutos
TKT: Young Learners és un examen per a professors i assistents de classe que desitgen ensenyar l’anglès a estudiants joves. Posa a prova el coneixement dels conceptes relacionats amb l’aprenentatge i el desenvolupament d’aquesta mena d’alumnes i els seus coneixements des d’una perspectiva docent, inclosa la planificació, l’ensenyament i l’avaluació del treball dels joves estudiants.
TKT: Young Learners consta d’una prova.
Dura 1 hora i 20 minuts i conté 80 preguntes.
El test està dividit en quatre parts:
- Aprenentatge i desenvolupament
- Planificació de classes
- Estratègies docents
- Avaluació del comportament dins l’aula

TKT handbooks for teachers
You can download all the TKT handbooks with information on each exam, assessment criteria, sample tests and answer keys.
Sample tests

The TKT glossary is a list of words, concepts and terminology that you’ll need to be familiar with for all TKT modules. There is an extra glossary for the TKT: CLIL test.