Business English Certificates (BEC) discontinued
Due to a review of the Cambridge English Qualifications portfolio, the Business English Certificates (BEC) will be discontinued at the end of 2023. We are preparing for this change and have already been in contact with many of you. The recommended replacements for BEC are: Linguaskill, B1 Preliminary, B2 First or C1 Advanced. These exams provide a more comprehensive and up-to-date assessment of English language proficiency, and they are more accessible and user-friendly than their predecessors. If you have any further questions about the BEC exams, please contact us. If you are a preparation centre, we will be happy to organise individual meetings where we can discuss which alternative would be the most suitable for your centre and students.

Exam preparation
C1 Business
Information for candidates
A guide to the exam, with advice on preparing for the exam, tips for exam day and useful links.

C1 Business Higher is made up of four papers developed to test your English skills:
1 hour
The C1 Business Higher Reading paper has six parts with different types of texts and questions. For each part, you have to read one long text or two or more shorter, related texts. This paper accounts for 25% of the total mark.
- Either a single text which is divided into sections or five short, related texts and a series of statements. You have to match each statement to the section or text where you can find the information.
- 8 questions
- 1 One mark for each correct answer.
- A text with six numbered gaps, each of which represents a missing sentence, followed by some sentences (A–H). You have to read the text and the sentences and decide which sentence best fits each gap.
- 6 questions
- 1 mark for each correct answer
- A text followed by some multiple-choice questions. These may be either whole questions or incomplete sentences. For each one, there are four options and you have to choose A, B, C or D.
- 6 questions
- 1 mark for each correct answer
- A text with some numbered gaps, each of which represents a missing word. You have to choose the right word for each gap from four options (A, B, C or D).
- 10 questions
- 1 mark for each correct answer
- A text with some numbered gaps, each of which represents a missing word. You have to identify the right word for each gap.
- 10 questions
- 1 mark for each correct answer
- A text in which some lines are correct and some lines have an extra, unnecessary word. If the line is correct, you write ‘CORRECT’ on your answer sheet. If the line is not correct, you have to write the extra word down.
- 12 questions
- 1 mark for each correct answer
1 hour, 10 minutes
In the two parts of the C1 Business Higher Writing paper, you have to show that you can write different types of text in English. This paper accounts for 25% of the total mark.
- A guided writing task. You have to write a short report (memo or email) based on some input in the form of graphs, bar charts or pie charts.
- 1 compulsory question
- 120-140 words
- This question has a total of 10 marks.
- A choice of three questions: a piece of business correspondence (letter, fax or email), a report (memo or email), or a proposal (memo or email). For the question you choose, you have to read some input material which describes a situation and write the specified response.
- One question from a choice of three.
- 200-250 words
- This question has a total of 20 marks.
About 40 minutes, including time to transfer your answers onto the answer sheet.
The C1 Business Higher Listening paper has five parts. For each part you have to listen to a recorded text or texts and answer some questions. You hear each recording twice. This paper accounts for 25% of the total mark.
- A monologue of 2–3 minutes which contains some information. To answer the questions, you have to take notes or complete sentences using a word or a short phrase (up to three words).
- 12 questions
- 1 mark for each correct answer
- Five short monologues linked by theme or topic, by five different speakers, followed by two tasks which relate to the content and purpose of the monologues. You listen to the recordings and you then have to match each speaker to one of the items (A–H) in Task 1 and one of the items (A–H) in Task 2.
- 10 questions
- 1 mark for each correct answer
- A conversation/interview/discussion between two or more people and some multiple-choice questions. You listen to the recording and then choose the correct answer from three options (A, B or C).
- 8 questions
- 1 mark for each correct answer
16 minutes per pair of candidates
The C1 Business Higher Speaking test has three parts and you take it together with another candidate. There are two examiners. One of the examiners (the interlocutor) conducts the test and the other examiner (the assessor) listens to what you say and takes notes.This paper accounts for 25% of the total mark.
- Conversation with the interlocutor. The interlocutor asks you questions on a number of personal or work-related subjects.
- About 3 minutes
- A ‘mini-presentation’ on a business theme. The examiner gives you a choice of three topics (A, B or C). You have 1 minute to prepare to give a speech lasting approximately 1 minute. Listen carefully when your partner speaks as you have to ask a question when they have finished.
- About 6 minutes
- A discussion with the other candidate. The examiner gives you a business-related situation with two discussion points to talk about. You have to talk to the other candidate about the situation and decide together what to do. The examiner will then extend the discussion.
- About 7 minutes.
Choosing your Speaking Test partner
If you would like to be paired together with a friend/classmate, you can request this when you register for the exam. Please note however that research has shown that there are both advantages and disadvantages in taking the test with someone you know and that in the end it doesn’t matter. What is important is that the test judges you on your own performance.

Information for candidates:
The Information for Candidates booklet is packed with study tips, exam advice and frequently asked questions. A great way to help your learners feel fully prepared for their exam.
Sample tests

You will need to use the Firefox browser to access these sample tests. You can download Firefox for free here.
Watch this tutorial before you start to help you understand what you need to do.

There is no answer key for the Writing paper, but there are sample answers and examiner comments in the Business handbook.

To access vocabulary at C1 level that could be used in C1 Business Higher, please refer to the English vocabulary profile

Use this checklist to improve your written English and practice for your exam.

A sample Speaking test worksheet for students from the C1 Business Higher Speaking test preparation pack.
You can also watch a 360⁰ of a full C1 Business Higher speaking test.
Information for candidates
A guide to the exam, with advice on preparing for the exam, tips for exam day and useful links.

C1 Business Higher is made up of four papers developed to test your English skills:
1 hour
The C1 Business Higher Reading paper has six parts with different types of texts and questions. For each part, you have to read one long text or two or more shorter, related texts. This paper accounts for 25% of the total mark.
- Either a single text which is divided into sections or five short, related texts and a series of statements. You have to match each statement to the section or text where you can find the information.
- 8 questions
- 1 One mark for each correct answer.
- A text with six numbered gaps, each of which represents a missing sentence, followed by some sentences (A–H). You have to read the text and the sentences and decide which sentence best fits each gap.
- 6 questions
- 1 mark for each correct answer
- A text followed by some multiple-choice questions. These may be either whole questions or incomplete sentences. For each one, there are four options and you have to choose A, B, C or D.
- 6 questions
- 1 mark for each correct answer
- A text with some numbered gaps, each of which represents a missing word. You have to choose the right word for each gap from four options (A, B, C or D).
- 10 questions
- 1 mark for each correct answer
- A text with some numbered gaps, each of which represents a missing word. You have to identify the right word for each gap.
- 10 questions
- 1 mark for each correct answer
- A text in which some lines are correct and some lines have an extra, unnecessary word. If the line is correct, you write ‘CORRECT’ on your answer sheet. If the line is not correct, you have to write the extra word down.
- 12 questions
- 1 mark for each correct answer
1 hour, 10 minutes
In the two parts of the C1 Business Higher Writing paper, you have to show that you can write different types of text in English. This paper accounts for 25% of the total mark.
- A guided writing task. You have to write a short report (memo or email) based on some input in the form of graphs, bar charts or pie charts.
- 1 compulsory question
- 120-140 words
- This question has a total of 10 marks.
- A choice of three questions: a piece of business correspondence (letter, fax or email), a report (memo or email), or a proposal (memo or email). For the question you choose, you have to read some input material which describes a situation and write the specified response.
- One question from a choice of three.
- 200-250 words
- This question has a total of 20 marks.
About 40 minutes, including time to transfer your answers onto the answer sheet.
The C1 Business Higher Listening paper has five parts. For each part you have to listen to a recorded text or texts and answer some questions. You hear each recording twice. This paper accounts for 25% of the total mark.
- A monologue of 2–3 minutes which contains some information. To answer the questions, you have to take notes or complete sentences using a word or a short phrase (up to three words).
- 12 questions
- 1 mark for each correct answer
- Five short monologues linked by theme or topic, by five different speakers, followed by two tasks which relate to the content and purpose of the monologues. You listen to the recordings and you then have to match each speaker to one of the items (A–H) in Task 1 and one of the items (A–H) in Task 2.
- 10 questions
- 1 mark for each correct answer
- A conversation/interview/discussion between two or more people and some multiple-choice questions. You listen to the recording and then choose the correct answer from three options (A, B or C).
- 8 questions
- 1 mark for each correct answer
16 minutes per pair of candidates
The C1 Business Higher Speaking test has three parts and you take it together with another candidate. There are two examiners. One of the examiners (the interlocutor) conducts the test and the other examiner (the assessor) listens to what you say and takes notes.This paper accounts for 25% of the total mark.
- Conversation with the interlocutor. The interlocutor asks you questions on a number of personal or work-related subjects.
- About 3 minutes
- A ‘mini-presentation’ on a business theme. The examiner gives you a choice of three topics (A, B or C). You have 1 minute to prepare to give a speech lasting approximately 1 minute. Listen carefully when your partner speaks as you have to ask a question when they have finished.
- About 6 minutes
- A discussion with the other candidate. The examiner gives you a business-related situation with two discussion points to talk about. You have to talk to the other candidate about the situation and decide together what to do. The examiner will then extend the discussion.
- About 7 minutes.
Choosing your Speaking Test partner
If you would like to be paired together with a friend/classmate, you can request this when you register for the exam. Please note however that research has shown that there are both advantages and disadvantages in taking the test with someone you know and that in the end it doesn’t matter. What is important is that the test judges you on your own performance.

Information for candidates:
The Information for Candidates booklet is packed with study tips, exam advice and frequently asked questions. A great way to help your learners feel fully prepared for their exam.
Sample tests

You will need to use the Firefox browser to access these sample tests. You can download Firefox for free here.
Watch this tutorial before you start to help you understand what you need to do.

There is no answer key for Writing Parts 2 and 3 of the Reading and Writing paper, but there are sample answers and examiner comments in the Business handbook.

Para acceder al vocabulario del nivel B2 que puede usarse en el examen C1 Business Higher, consulta el English vocabulary profile.

Use this checklist to improve your written English and practice for your exam.

A sample Speaking test worksheet for students from the C1 Business Higher Speaking test preparation pack.
You can also watch a 360⁰ of a full C1 Business Higher speaking test.