If any certificates are lost between one of our exam centres and the candidate or Preparation Centre, we can request duplicate certificate/s from Cambridge Assessment English once a period of 6 months has passed since your exam date.
Lost certificates

Lost certificates

Lost certificates
If any certificates are lost between one of our exam centres and the candidate or Preparation Centre, we can request duplicate certificate/s from Cambridge Assessment English once a period of 6 months has passed since your exam date.
Replacement certificate
Cambridge Assessment English can only supply a replacement certificate up to 12 months after the exam date. After this time, the candidate must apply for a certifying statement.
If this is the case, you must:
Deadline to request a certificate replacement
Cambridge Assessment English can only supply a replacement certificate up to 12 months after the exam date. After this time, the candidate must apply for a certifying statement.
Replacement certificates and certifying statements can only be issued in the name of the candidate at the time the award was made.
A certifying statement is a document which is accepted by universities and other institutions as proof of your examination result. All certifying statements must be requested and paid for directly to Cambridge Assessment English via the online application form on their website.
To apply you will need to know:
- The year and month you took your exam
- The name of the exam
- The name and address of the centre where you took your exam
If possible, you should also provide:
- Your candidate number
- The centre number
Preparation Centres: We are happy to submit applications for certifying statements for our registered Preparation Centres.
There is a Cambridge English fee for this service. If your candidates took their exam through one of our centres, we will be happy to assist you.
Here are our centre names, numbers, addresses and contact details:
Exams Catalunya
Centre number Catalunya: ES439
Centre number Andorra: AD439
Freixa, 5-9
08021 Barcelona
Tel.: 934 111 333
Email: [email protected]
Exams Madrid
Centre number: ES459
Calle de Asura, 40, 2ª planta
28043 Madrid
Tel.: 911 041 761
Email: [email protected]
Exams Balears
Centre number: ES449
Freixa, 5-9
08021 Barcelona
Tel.: 934 111 333
Email: [email protected]
If any certificates are damaged in transit to a candidate or Preparation Centre, we can request duplicate certificate/s from Cambridge Assessment English. If this is the case, you must:
- Return the original certificate to us. Proof of postage is strongly recommended.
- Pay the appropriate fee. If the application is made within 5 months of the certificate being issued by Cambridge Assessment English this service is free of charge.
Cambridge Assessment English will issue duplicate certificates up to 5 years from the certificate/s being issued. After this time, you will only be able to apply for a certifying statement.
If you don’t have your certificate and need to provide proof of your examination result to an educational institution, employer, immigration, government agency, etc., you can use the Cambridge English Results Verification Service.
This service is free of charge and you can register here: Results Verification Service.
Once you have registered you will be able to easily and securely grant access to any organisation that needs official verification of your exam result. In order to do this, you will need these 2 pieces of information which you can find on your Confirmation of Entry:
- your ID Number (a sequence of nine letters and numbers)
- your Secret Number (a four-digit number).
The Confirmation of Entry is sent to candidates when they register for their exam. If you don’t have your Confirmation of Entry, please contact us.